My TrackI am unsure about leaving
the UK

What are my options?

If you are within the scope of deportation and do not fit within any of the categories of people who should not be deported then you should expect to be deported.

You should be aware that if you do not cooperate with the deportation process that this could lead to being held for a longer period of time for the duration of your criminal sentence and potentially also in immigration detention.

You should consider carefully your options and think about how you might make the best of the situation.

You should look at the following information:

Early Release Scheme The Early Release Scheme allows that the Secretary of State to release FNPs serving fixed term sentences, who are liable to removal from the UK, up to 270 days early.
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Deportation process It can be useful to understand what happens when someone is considered for deportation.
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Facilitated Returns Scheme The FRS is a scheme which offers an amount of money to FNPs who accept removal to their country of origin. The scheme is only available to non-EEA prisoners and is voluntary.
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Tariff Expired Removal Scheme The scheme’s aim is to enable the removal of eligible IFNPs on the expiry of their tariff or as soon as possible afterwards.
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Prison Transfer Agreements Prison Transfer Agreements refer to mechanisms whereby a prisoner may be returned to their country of origin in order to serve the remainder of their sentence.
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Immigration detention A FNP who the HOIE are intending to deport, who has completed their criminal sentence may be kept in immigration detention beyond the custodial part of their sentence.
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Consulate High Commissions Some Embassies and High Commissions have good resources and arrangements for responding to and supporting the needs of their nationals who are in custody.
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Preparing for return All prisoners prepare for release and resettlement into the community and should have opportunities to work with prison or probation staff to produce a resettlement plan.
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Country guides Detailed country guides to assist foreign nationals being deported overseas.
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Directory The organisation details have been taken from a number of sources and have not been checked to confirm what services are provided and how they may be able to help. The organisations have been selected on the basis that they are known to be humanitarian organisations and may be able to render assistance.
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Other resettlement issues This section contains information about how standard prison resettlement policies apply to Foreign National Prisoners. You will find information on categorisation, Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) and Home Detention Curfew (HDC).
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