My TrackI am unsure about leaving
the UK

Facilitated Return Scheme (FRS)

1. Overview

The FRS is a scheme which offers an amount of money to FNPs who accept removal to their country of origin. The scheme is only available to non-EEA prisoners and is voluntary. All non-EEA FNPs with a determinate sentence are eligible regardless of sentence length or offence but FNPs with an indeterminate or life sentence are excluded. The scheme is administered by the FRS team in the Home Office Immigration Enforcement Criminal Casework (HOIE CC).

2. A voluntary scheme

The FRS is a voluntary scheme and someone who has signed up to the scheme can withdraw at any point. However, it is important to note that if a person makes a claim for asylum after having applied for and then withdrawn from the FRS, the fact that they have considered returning to their country voluntarily will be taken into account when considering the credibility of their asylum claim.

Applications for the FRS scheme can be made to the relevant prison staff member (e.g. Foreign National Coordinator, Diversity Officer, Welfare Officer), to any Criminal Casework staff working in the prison or by telephoning the Criminal Casework team on 020 8760 8513, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

Any staff member who is unsure about the process for the FRS scheme should consult PSI 4/13.

3. Financial Assistance

The scheme runs alongside the ERS, so in addition to financial assistance for resettlement, FNPs on the scheme can be removed up to 9 months before the halfway point of their sentence. For financial amounts available see Early Release Scheme Factsheet below.

Single parents may receive an additional £100 for each child who returns with them. The caseworker in the FRS team can make arrangements for flights for returning children along with the arrangements for the flights for the FNP.

The money will be put on a cash card which can be used at an ATM. £500 will be available at the airport with the rest being loaded onto the card upon their return to their country.

The money which is given upon return is loaded onto the card after the FNP has attended the nearest International Organisation for Migration (IOM) office where their identity will be verified biometrically (fingerprints). If there is no IOM office in the country to which the FNP is returning then the returnee will be instructed to contact the IOM office in London where a caseworker will guide them through completion of the necessary forms which can be submitted either via fax or e-mail.

If there are no ATMs in the country to which the person is returning then the Home Office should make arrangements for the grant to be paid in cash in full prior to departure. The authorities in the country to which the person is being returned will NOT be informed that they have been paid any money under the scheme.

4. FRS is classed as deportation

Removal under the FRS is classed as deportation. Any person deported under the FRS is subject to a bar upon re-entry to the UK for a minimum of 5 years. It is important to note that even after the expiry of the bar any application for permission to enter the UK is highly likely to be refused due to criminal record and bad character.