My TrackI am unsure about leaving
the UK

Tariff Expired Removal Scheme (TERS)


The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) introduced a new scheme for FNPs serving indeterminate or life sentences (IFNPs).

As with the ERS, TERS is mandatory so all IFNPs who are liable for removal must be considered under the scheme.

The scheme’s aim is to enable the removal of eligible IFNPs on the expiry of their tariff or as soon as possible afterwards. The operation of the scheme is covered by PSI 18/2012

2. Public Protection Casework Section

The Public Protection Casework Section (PPCS) at NOMS are responsible for ensuring that the TERS process is followed for all IFNPs who are liable to removal.

Some IFNPs may be considered unsuitable for removal for reasons similar to those found in the ERS process.

They include:
- When a prisoner is facing further criminal charges or is subject to a confiscation order or confiscation order proceedings. Exceptions may be considered for example, if a prisoner has served a long tariff and the amount of money owed is relatively small.
- There is clear evidence that the prisoner is planning further criminal offences, including plans to evade immigration control and return to the UK unlawfully
- The prisoner is serving sentence for terrorism or terrorism related offences.

Please note that while all indeterminate sentence prisoners are eligible to be considered for release by the Parole Board following expiry of their tariff, IFNPs can be removed under TERS without having their case considered by the Board.

It should be noted that IFNPs are NOT eligible for the Facilitated Removal Scheme.